Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Tahniah kaklong -9A

Syukur alhamdulillah.
syukur teramat sangat.

kaklong @ nur-shayana amiera dapat 9A.

tepat 3.24 pm kaklong call bagitahu,

nino..nino..(pastu kaklong terus terdiam)
kenapa kaklong?kenapa?

nino..nino.. kaklong dapat 9A

congratulation kaklong...kami berdua terdiam dan masing-masing sebak.

syukur Ya Allah. kalau ena @ mama masih ada.....Ya Allah tak tahu aku nak gambarkan macam mana gembiranya dia. gembira dengan pencapaian anak-anak yang sangat membanggakan.

ena...kami semua sangat berbangga dengan ena. tahniah ena.

copy dari blog kaklong..

FRIDAY, MARCH 16, 2012

Five Days To Go

Five people FIVE !

Yaa , five more days till result SPM 2011 akan diumumkan . Die die =.=

Sumpah cuak gila teramat . So far boleh tidur lagi lah malam malam .
I'm not that paranoid sampai tak boleh tidur malam . Well , not yet . Hahaa .

Ugh , cuak cuak cuak . So many expectations , so many hopes *peluhpeluh*
Of course i'm hoping to get straight A+ , like i soooooo want it .
Yaa , tawakal , i know . Nothing much that i or other SPM candidates can do , except doa and tawakal .

Well , i hope my result will not disappoint ayah , nino , pah , cekgu-cekgu and especially myself .
And and good enough for me to continue my scholarship and study here . That is what fears me the most .
Not getting a result good enough to continue my **** scholarship , or loan , what-so-ever .
I'm not doing Medicine , cause me and Biology , well , we don't have a good 'chemistry' . Hahaa .

But if you ask me , say like 3 years ago after my PMR exam , i would say that my dream career is to be a doctor . Hahaa . Well , you don't know what does it feel like to study Medicine till you actually studies it . That was 3 years agooooo . Now , i want to be an engineer , a successful engineer . insyaAllah~~~

Okay , membebel (-,-'')

Back to the story , CUAK ah result dah nak keluar . LOL .

Okay , stop frightening yourself Shay =.="

To all SPM 2011 candidates that will take their results on this 21st March , i wish the very best of luck . May 2011 Spm result be the most awesome-es result in history . Ahahahaa .

True guys , hope for the very best result , but not to forget to prepare for the worst .

Night Night (:


  1. Woww..terrornya Kak Long!!! Tahniah!!!
    Tabik spring :)

  2. Alhamdulillah!! tahniah buat kak long dan kak nino jugak.. nampaknya semua usaha kak long selama ini berbaloi.. dan segala kasih sayang yang kak nino beri selama ini di balas dengan kejayaan.. alhamdulillah. syukur. saya tumpang gembira kak :)

  3. ed dan thalha,
    akk dh gtau kaklong dia cakap tq tq tq
